Friday, April 25, 2014

The Ways Of the Fisherman

Ways Of the Fisherman

The concept of bass fishing may seem simple. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg to success.

“Let’s go fishing”. That seems just simple and fun to do. There isn’t much to it but to do it was a motto of my uncle. BUT that may not be the case in fishing competitively or high stakes. There are actually a lot of different techniques you need to know that will produce the most fish at that time. And there is constant argument as to which technique or lure for bass fishing will land you the biggest sack of bass at the end of the day.

            One of the most arguable best fishing techniques, and lures overall is fishing soft rubber plastics for largemouth bass. These can range in a variety of selections like soft worms and crayfish, to minnows and creatures that don’t exist. This technique was invented back in the early 1950’s and hasn’t stop growing in popularity since. It is one of the easiest techniques for beginners and can really pay off. Pro’s use this technique when fishing drop offs where the fish are close to the bottom to when the fish are spawning and on there beds. This is a slow moving technique however and so if the fish are looking for a fast moving baitfish you might have trouble catching them.

 spinnerbait  (Popular baits)
            A very popular lure and a technique all by itself and is claimed to be "the most versatile" in the bass fishing community is the Spinnerbait. This lure alone is its own technique. It can be fished going moderate to fast speeds and can be used successfully throughout the year. There are three basic kinds: the tail spin, short-arm, or long-arm Spinnerbait. The Spinnerbait is made to look like a baitfish swimming through the water. It has 1-4 blades on it which attracts the fish with its flash. The Pro’s use this when their looking for reaction strikes from the bass and to cover water fast. This lure is definitely a well rounded technique and many people do consider it “thee go to lure” when there looking to put fish in there boat. However if the fish are sluggish and don’t want anything fast moving then this might not be your best choice.
Some popular swimbaits (Swimbaits)
A rising technique and lure set coming out now is a technique where you throw big swimbaits for bass. This technique is extremely popular in the southern end of the United States because the further down south you go the bigger the bass. They use lures from 6-13 inches long and resemble the fishing in the lake the bass feed on. This technique has produced some of the biggest bass to date on them including a 22.4 pound behemoth that tied the original record for biggest largemouth ever caught. The lures look and are painted to match the fish in the surrounding that the big bass feed on. Their is swimbaits that look like baitfish and there are some that look like other bass. The technique is simple, to just cast out and reel in. But getting those big bass to hit is another thing. This technique is not very popular in the pros yet because it is either a hit or miss when fishing big swimbaits. And even if you do get a bass to bite it might be the only bass you get.

            The techniques and lures go on and on. I only just scratched the surface with those right there (even though these where the most popular). There is dropshotting, jerkbaits, crank baits and more (other techniques) which you can look up. But when it comes down to it there is no best technique or technique that you should always use. The best fishermen out there are comfortable fishing all of those. They do not stick to just one technique. They see what the fish are doing and respond with what they think is the best lure for that situation. So the best technique out there is being able to use every single lure and technique.


Popular baits: "Spinnerbaits Catch Giant Walleyes." Lurenet. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2014.

Swimbaits "What Is a Swimbait and Why Does It Work? - Mike Long Outdoors." Mike Long Outdoors. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2014.

"Soft Plastic Bait." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. <>.

The Most Versatile: "Spinnerbaits & Spinnerbait Fishing." Spinnerbaits. Bass Resource, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. <>.

Other Techniques:"6 Best Bass Fishing Techniques - In-Fisherman." InFisherman 6 Best Bass Fishing Techniques Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. <

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