Friday, May 2, 2014

Reasons For My Madness

My Reason For my Madness

People start their hobbies at many different ages, some younger than other

Fishing is a sport like no other. The ways to do it as well as whom you can do it with are some of the many cool features that some sports just can't provide. But looking at that, how does one get started into this vast world people know as "fishing"? Mine started with hop, skip, and a jump.

I was only a youngster at 4 and didn't know much about...Well anything at the time besides eating and sleeping. My mom and dad had taken me and my sister to
Coldwater which is located in southern Michigan on the Ohio border.(Coldwater) "This was your first time on vacation ever and seeing a lake was the coolest thing to you"my mother said. I was with my mother and sister hanging around our cabin doing all the things a normal 4 year old would do. My dad was out fishing by himself.

I guess I decided to pick up a fishing pole and my mother chuckled, thinking about how my dad was already teaching me how to cast a fishing rod in the back yard. I saw the lake and put 2 and 2 together and went to the dock to try my luck at fishing.  I don't know how I was able to do all this at the age of only 4 but I guess anything is possible.

Using my two tiny hands I managed to bait my own hook and do it all by myself. She thought it was the coolest little thing. The next thing she remembers is hearing me start yelling and she turns around to see that I have this thing on the end of my line and it's coming right at her. She didn't realize it at first
but after she took a good long hard look before having the realization that I had caught my first fish ever.

My mom was ecstatic. She was jumping with joy and couldn't believe it. I had done it all by myself. She helped me take off the fish and kept me fishing. I caught one other little fish that day all by myself.  My dad was kind of upset that he wasn't there to see my first fish being caught. He was the one that was
showing me how to fish in the first place. Little did my mom or dad know at the time was that this started my passion for fishing that not many people have. I has loved to fish since then and plan on doing it till the day I die. This was my way of finding out how great fishing was and to this day how it is important in my life and I don't want to stop.(Keep America Fishing)

Work Cited

 "Coldwater, Michigan." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Apr. 2014. Web. 02 May 2014. 

Coldwater "Aquatic Center." City of Coldwater. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2014.

Keep American Fishing - Why Fishing Is The Coolest Sport/Hobby In The World!" Keep American Fishing - Why Fishing Is The Coolest Sport/Hobby In The World! N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2014.

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