Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Suspicions and assumptions: the effects it has overall

Suspicions and assumptions: the effects it has overall

Travyon Martin, a name almost everybody knows now. Sadly he doesn't know anybody after he was "gunned" down in Florida.  Trayvon didn't know why he was being stalked or what triggered Zimmerman to do such a thing. Trayvon, only wearing a hoodie and going on a snack run from 7-11, didn't know that Mother Jones "21 things you can't do while black" had both of those actions on there. But how could we blame Trayvon for Zimmerman's assumptions that Trayvon that was up to no good. Like Trayvon, Ophelia was dowsed with assumptions and accusations that hold no actual facts behind it.
assumptions never really do good for people. there is a saying, "when you assume, you make an (ASS)ume out of ass(U)me and assu(ME)". This does hold some truth to it. Hamlet tells Ophelia to "get thee to a nunnery" (III,I,131) basically telling Ophelia to go to a whore house even though she is not a whore and which then makes Hamlet look weird and somewhat crazy. Travyon was met with a similar situation with assumptions but the outcome was completely different.
Zimmerman was taking his assigned task as neighborhood watch a little to seriously. Since he had a weapon on him he was feeling pretty confident. When he saw Trayvon assumptions and accusations started to flood his head. "what’s this black kid doing in this area?", "why is his hoodie up" could have been assumptions that went through his head.  All we know is something whether is was the pictures in "Trayvons, An image" or something else.  In his mind something triggered him to follow and ultimately kill a young man who can no longer see his family. 
 Travyon is to Polonius as Zimmerman is to Hamlet. Both using assumptions and not thinking about them which then took an otherwise innocent life. When Polonius yells "What, ho? Help, help, help!" (III,IV,26) he is trying to save somebody who he thinks is in trouble. But hamlet comes in assuming/hoping it to be the new king and stabs right through the curtain and into Polonius. If people could stop to think about there actions and not act on assumptions the world in my opinion would be alot different.
Trayvon didn't know his life was going to come to a roadblock which he couldn't pass over. Neither Polonius hiding behind a simple curtain. But these men (Trayvon/Polonius) didn't realize that other peoples accusations and minds could get the best of them which could hurt themselves overall.

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